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Kaitautoko Kiwi

Year 1: $2,500
Year 2&3: $1,500


Limited to only two per year this is an ultra-exclusive package designed with corporate sponsorship in mind, but available to anyone wanting to be the ultimate Kiwi hero! Sponsor your very own Kiwi from egg to adult (three years). Get as involved as you like*:

  • Go on a real egg hunt to locate and uplift your Kiwi egg for transport to The National Kiwi hatchery for incubation, hatching and rearing.

  • Name your Kiwi chick when he/she hatches.

  • Once your Kiwi chick reaches 1,000 grams in weight you will be invited to participate in his/her release ceremony back into Ōmataroa forest lands.

  • Annually, over the three years, you will be invited to return and assist our Kaitiaki to locate your Kiwi and conduct a health check.

  • Receive an official pedigree certificate showing your Kiwi’s whakapapa (genealogy).

*If you are unable to attend your Kiwi’s egg lift, release or health check we will supply video and photo footage and document a report for you.

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